Employee Benefits – 4 Topics for Clients to be aware of in Australia

Employee Benefits – 4 Topics for Clients to be aware of in Australia

For more information

1. Superannuation/Pensions
The compulsory contribution rate by an employer increased from 11% to 11.5% from 1 July

2. Talent Shortage

Inflation, cost of living, and talent shortages has been a significant driver for wage increases
as companies aim to retain talent and maintain employee satisfaction. Many industries,
especially those with specialised skills like technology, healthcare, and engineering, are facing
talent shortages. To attract and retain skilled workers, employers are offering more
competitive salary packages and additional benefits.

3. Employers leverage Employee Benefits for talent retention

Due to the talent shortage, we are seeing employers reviewing, increasing, or adding Income
Protection to their Employee Benefits package.

Income Protection is tax deductible to the Employer and allows the connection to be
maintained with the employee.

Statutory Sick Leave is 810 days and after that an employee can use Annual Leave or Leave Without Pay’.

4. Psychosocial Hazard Assessment Safe Work Australia

Following the pandemic, Work, Health and Safety regulations require businesses to manage
risks arising from psychosocial hazard to ensure that the health and safety of its workers (as
far as reasonably practicable).

More information can be provided upon request.
For more information, please contact Allan on 1300 656 622; or

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